Honda Accord (Foreign use)


In need of a reliable and stylish used car? Look no further! We have a 2018 Honda Accord Touring 2.0 in black available for purchase at a very negotiable price of N 14,600,000.

This foreign used sedan is in grade C condition, but don’t let that deter you – it just needs a little TLC. It came in accidental, but with a little love and care it can be back on the road in no time.

The Accord Touring 2.0 boasts a sleek leather interior and a multimedia screen, as well as a fully covered cabin exterior for added protection. And with its excellent capability and balanced wheel system, it’s a super versatile car that can handle any challenge.

This Honda Accord Touring 2.0 is an automatic transmission, making it easy and enjoyable to drive. So why wait? Take advantage of this great deal and get behind the wheel of this stylish and reliable used car today!




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